Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Something with Vibrations

I read something yesterday that made me relate to a moment. I read about vibrational levels and energy, that we as humans. emit from our forms. I know, sounds all crazy and "out there". However, if you think about it, it all makes sense. I had one of those " make sense" moments. It is when something just seems to click. It is like you lost the concept of it, but all of a sudden you remember the concept and then it just makes total sense? I had a simple moment when the above happened. It is when my soul got a tattoo.

It was evening time and Rick, (he is my lifetime partner)and I were resting in our bed. This has become my favorite time of everyday. The time we are in our room getting ready to go to sleep. It is the time that he and I are just being, and enjoying each others presence. We share our thoughts and concerns, and we laugh about somethings that just seem so ridiculous. You know emotionally connect. What happened that evening was where I felt soul connected to another human. I felt connected to Rick, in a way I have NEVER felt before. It made me humble!

Rick was sprawled out on the bed laying kiddie cornered across the bed. I was sitting up and his head was cradled in my lap. We were watching some T.V. show. I love to touch others, but most of all Rick. So I began to slowly rub his upper back and down his arms, rubbing his head and scalp and playing in his hair. I was just knowing his physical form. Then it hit me! My heart began to swell. I was experiencing joy like I never felt it before. As I rubbed very lightly Rick's back I began to feel this low vibration. Something like a humming/tickling, but through my hands. It was warming. It was relaxing Rick, but making my joyful feeling INTENSE. Then the concept hit me! I was grateful to have Rick there, in physical form. I had an awakening to the fact, that I knew Rick before we were in physical form. We vibrate at the same energy wave length. We KNEW each other before! We found each other, just as I knew we promised each other we would do when we were just energy sources. That is when my heart rejoiced for my GOD. I have my wonderful friend with me to continue my life journey with. I could literally feel him. I could feel his energy source/soul, through my hands! I knew right then that Rick is my soul mate!

I did not share what I was feeling with Rick, right at that moment. I waited for a day or two, and then I told him what my experience was, and how I perceived it. Of course, he understands, or at least tries too. He too feels something is special, and deeper than usual between us.

Rick is special enough to me, to have been tattooed on my soul.

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