Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Sparkling Palm Tree

It was a warm, breezy fall evening here in Arizona.

I love Arizona for the weather here. The hot days for a few of the summer months are sometimes unbearable, but once that "hot as hell" weather is over, the wait is worth it. The wait had come to a close, and the "perfect" weather was here.
I had some experiences earlier in life that brought me to the understanding that every moment needs to treasured and lived to its fullest experience of me. This moment, I feel, I experienced to its fullest. It is one that I know has been implanted on my soul, and one that I will take with me to my next phase of life. This is what I am grateful for. Moments.

I had everything going for me. Finally. I had been wanting my oldest Son to be in Arizona with me, and here he was. I had wanted a life time partner to share my life with, and here he was. I could not have it any better, right then, right at that moment.

It was a warm, breezy fall evening here in Arizona. We decided to take a walk around my son's new apartment complex. It was a small group of us, myself, my life time partner, and my son and his girlfriend, were taking this walk together. We came to this little open courtyard. My heart began to swell. At that very moment, I had it just the way I wanted it. The people, the smells, the sounds, that I experienced, made my heart swell with joy. There were small pools of water. They made the most beautiful trickling sounds, as the water flowed into them. There were pretty flowers that were reaching for the sky and gently swaying in the evening breeze. There were picnic tables set off to one side and they were tucked away by some palm trees. I wanted to sit. I wanted to take it all in. To me, I was in paradise. So we all gravitated to the picnic tables. I began to look up, and what I saw was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It is one that I just can not forget. I followed along with my eyes, the trunk of a long and lean palm tree. The fronds on this tree were blowing gracefully in the wind way above us all. I watched those leaves sway. I could hear them as they blew up against each other. It was a swishing sound that soothed my soul. I looked closer, because as the fronds moved with the breeze they twinkled. It was mesmerizing to me. I sat there looking up and tried to figure out how they were twinkling like that, and then I saw it. It was the moon. It was a full moon that evening, and it was reflecting off the fronds of that palm tree. That is when I took that moment into the depths of my soul. I had this consuming feeling of gratefulness for being able to experience that moment, with the beauty of nature, and with the presence of family and loved ones around me. I relished it. This is when I found that even the smallest moments can to be the most impressionable. This I know, because of my moment of the sparkling palm tree.

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