Thursday, March 11, 2010

My "Different" Gift with Edward

I had an experience with Edward, just a few hours before he "graduated" to the next phase of life. He too, made my special gift I have, a gift, that I began to love, and to treasure. It is a unique gift and it is mine.

Edward was a gentleman that I became acquainted with at my place of worship. I was, what my religion at the time called, the Relief Society President. One of my responsibilities was to call on the individuals that were considered eligible for church food assistance and take their food order. I did this every other week. Edward was one of the people I was to call. I did. Every two weeks. He was a humble, meek and a sweet gentleman, and I always looked forward to taking his food order. After sometime, my position in the church was no longer my responsibility and I was "released" from that responsibility. I all ways stayed close to Edward.

One Sunday there was an announcement that included Edward. I found out that he had a stroke on the Friday that had just past, and he was still in the hospital. I worked at the hospital that he was in. I made a mental note to go and see him the next day on my first break of the morning. I knew I would not forget. I was a bit concerned, because I knew Edward, and I knew he did not have much family around. Monday came and my first break was at 9am. I found where he was located in the hospital and went to see him. I entered his room and felt that something was not right. He lay in his bed in what seemed to be, a deep sleep. I could not wake him by touching or speaking his name. I went to the nurses station and inquired on why he would not wake up when I tried to arouse him from his sleep. I was told that he was a "do not resuscitate", and that he had been unresponsive since that Friday. Then I knew what I needed to do.

I walked back to his room. I sat next to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and that is when the "energy" hit. I felt my wonderful friend Edward's soul. I felt his anxiousness, of this "change" that was sure to come. I felt the fear. That is when I spoke to him. I told him, " They will come for you, and when they do, it is OK to go. Everything will be just fine here. Everything will be taken care of here. " I felt his relief. I told him good bye, and that I appreciated knowing him. I left him sleeping deeply in his hospital bed.

I walked back to my office, thinking of Edward constantly. I called the nurses station on my lunch break, and that is when I was told that he had past, peacefully, at 10am. I was sad. I was going to miss Edward. This is when I began to love my gift, and the uniqueness of it. It is when I helped another. Thank you Edward. I miss you.


  1. Wow Chrissy... this really tugged my heartstrings and gave me chills.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. I am glad that it made an impression on you. That is what I want my writings to do. Much love to you <3

  3. You express your thoughts really well. Very warm- heart touching and sure i will keep coming back to read more.
    Loves...Bindu Chopra
