Friday, March 12, 2010

The day he said, "COME FLY WITH ME".

I perceive myself as a mystical fairy of sorts. I know, crazy, but hear me out. Fairies can not be captured. Fairies do not like to be bored. They are feisty, beautiful, free, and they abhor boredom. I have been drawn to mystical fairies. I have even had a picture of the "Fire Dance" fairy by, Amy Brown, tattooed on my upper back. This fairy signifies me.

I began to envision myself as a mystical fairy years ago. I began to collect figurines of fairies and then, I began to notice characteristics of what I perceived a faerie's would be, to emulate from me. I found that, at one time not long ago, I could not have just one man in my life. I needed several. I did not want to have them "capture" me and claim me as their own, so I stayed distant, but close enough to keep them around, and thinking they were the only one for me. I was deceitful, but it was my world and I liked it that way. I saw myself as this little fairy that jumped from one flowering bush to another. When that first bunch of flowers started to get boring, then off I would fly to another flowering bush. It could be a bush I had visited many times before, or it could be a brand new bush. It all depended on how I felt when I got bored at the flowers I was currently "visiting". Ok, so I have a vivid imagination, but this is the analogy I use for my own thinking. It fits me.

I began to feel myself wanting someone else to "fly" with. I was wanting to settle down but it had to be with someone that totally understood me. Allowed me to be me. Be tolerant of my moodiness, bossiness, my loving, my freedom, and my need to NOT be bored. I have been through 2 divorces and since my last divorce, 2 engagements to be married. I was not doing to well in this area of my life. So I made me a list of characteristics that I wanted in a lifetime partner. I checked it often. The relationships I began to encounter, when something did not match up with my list, died quickly, Then I just gave up. I was going to "fly" by myself and enjoy my adventures of life, all to myself. I had accepted that and was finally okay with being alone. Then I met him, and he said what I have always wanted to hear. I never thought I would every hear those words from anyone.

It happened in the grocery store. We were looking for some kind of spice, in the spice aisle. He suddenly seemed to have a light bulb go off in his head and he said, " I know where that spice is, Chrissy." He said that he thought it was in another aisle. He realized he did not have my full attention, because I was still scanning the spice shelves with my eyes. Then he said it. He said, " Come fly with me. Come on. Fly with me." Now that got my attention. I said, "What did you say?" I must have had a grin that went from ear to ear. I snuggled into his chest and looked up at his lips ( I just LOVE his lips. )as, he repeated what he said. I felt so free at that moment. He just "spoke my language". I took his hand, after kissing him right there, in the spice aisle of the grocery store, and he took me to where the spice was.

Ever since then we have been "flying" together. Conquering things as we go. No longer alone but together. It all began on the day he said, "COME FLY WITH ME!"


  1. I ♥ it!! Again I am amazed at how well you write and articulate your thoughts. I have lots of thoughts but writing is not my gift!!! Your description of your journey is spot on. I think it's the thing we all strive for but maybe don't realize it. Just be YOURSELF!!! Not what you think other people want you to be and not what you think you "should" be. Just be who you are. When you are that honest with yourself you allow others to recognize the REAL you. Then they can take it or leave it but that's up to them. You get to just keep on being you until someone does recognize you and they "get" you because they are just being themselves too. When we drop the ego and the expectations of what "should" be we see what "could" be!! You're awesome & I'm so happy you have found someone that GETS you!!! :)

  2. I relate strongly to this. Both she and I knew what we wanted, had the list, and had stopped looking... that's when we found each other. And we both knew quickly that this relationship was the real thing. Love is wonderful!
